The GSEEM (Global Software Engineering European Master) is a two-years lasting international Master Degree in Computer Science, with a specialization in Software Engineering. The initiative wants to provide graduate students with a Bachelor in Computer Science or similar additional specific qualification by studying one year in their home university and one year at one of the GSEEM consortium universities:
University of L’Aquila, Italy (UDA)
VU University, Amsterdam (VUA)
Mälardalen University in Västerås, Sweden (MDU)
At the end of the program, the GSEEM will issue a double degree in Master of Science: one from the home university and another from the foreign institute.
Software engineering, being one of the most important and active areas of Computer Sciences, is a critical factor in contributing to significantly boost the quality in the development of software systems. Europe retains a very relevant position in terms of importance and prestige within this area of expertise and it will no doubt play a critical and strategic role in the future (applications are blatant in sectors such Avionics, telecommunication, and informative systems). Some European initiatives such as ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and Development of Embedded Intelligent Systems) and NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative), demonstrate the importance of the discipline within the Framework Program 7 – FP7.
GSEEM aims to provide to students a preparation of excellence within themes concerning software engineering, both theoretical and practical and ultimately project the student in an international perspective.
There are a great number of benefits to be evidenced within this effort: higher mobility of both incoming and outgoing students, higher quality of the Formative Offer, higher perspectives of attraction to our University in the eyes of students both foreign and domestic, important possibilities or international research PhD’s, Higher degree of the teaching staff’s mobility.
Consortium Partners
The GSEEM consortium includes the VU University Amsterdam – Netherlands (VUA), the Mälardalen University in Sweden (MDH), and the University of L’Aquila in Italy (UDA). The official language for the initiative and its courses is English. The teaching staff within GSEEM includes researchers and professors of international fame with proven field experience in Research Efforts, Teaching Efforts, European Projects coordination/participation and international collaboration within industrial operative contexts.
The Program
GSEEM offers an international Master’s Degree in Software Engineering of two years in length. The initiative wants to provide the students additional specific qualification and prepare them to even further specialization (PhD’s, professional institues, Post Docs etc.) in the area of Software Engineering. GSEEM forsees three formative profiles:
- Software Architecting (SA)
- Real Time embedded Systems Engineering (RT)
- Web Systems and Services Engineering (WS)
Scholarships for best students might be available from the University of L’Aquila. For more information, please contact the GSEEM coordinator or visit
Both students’ and teaching staff mobility will take place according to the fashion defined within the Processo di Bologna. Every one of the members of GSEEM will hereby take the responsibility of releasing a Double Degree title to those students who obtain a total amount of 60 ECTS credits locally and 60 ECTS abroad. The following restrictions must be met:
Every student who seeks to obtain a Double Degree, must choose a mobility destination, which will provide a list of required and selectable courses.
For more information:
Programme coordinator: prof. Henry Muccini