
ComputerScience@Univaq is International!

Master-level courses are offered in English and attended by students from all over the world. You will study and spend you free time with students from Italy as well as from the EU and the rest of the world. ComputerScience@Univaq runs many Erasmus Mundus mobility programs (see, for example, EUROWEB+) and has activated about 15 Erasmus+ mobility agreement.

They support our mission to bring to L’Aquila foreign students from all over the world and to enable our students to go abroad for a study period.  ComputerScience@Univaq also runs three double degree international programmes: students study in L’Aquila and in a foreign University, and get two Master Degrees in Computer Science or related.

The three international programmes are:

gseemLogoThe GSEEM (Global Software Engineering European Master) is a two-years lasting international Master Degree in Computer Science, with a specialization in Software Engineering. The initiative wants to provide graduate students with a Bachelor in Computer Science or similar additional specific qualification by studying one year in their home university and one year at one of the GSEEM consortium universities:

University of L’Aquila, Italy (UDA)

VU University, Amsterdam (VUA)

Mälardalen University in Västerås, Sweden (MDU)

At the end of the program, the GSEEM will issue a double degree in Master of Science: one from the home university and another from the foreign institute.


Software engineering, being one of the most important and active areas of Computer Sciences, is a critical factor in contributing to significantly boost the quality in the development of software systems. Europe retains a very relevant position in terms of importance and prestige within this area of expertise and it will no doubt play a critical and strategic role in the future (applications are blatant in sectors such Avionics, telecommunication, and informative systems). Some European initiatives such as ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and Development of Embedded Intelligent Systems) and NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative), demonstrate the importance of the discipline within the Framework Program 7 – FP7.

GSEEM aims to provide to students a preparation of excellence within themes concerning software engineering, both theoretical and practical and ultimately project the student in an international perspective.

There are a great number of benefits to be evidenced within this effort: higher mobility of both incoming and outgoing students, higher quality of the Formative Offer, higher perspectives of attraction to our University in the eyes of students both foreign and domestic, important possibilities or international research PhD’s, Higher degree of the teaching staff’s mobility.

Consortium Partners

The GSEEM consortium includes the VU University Amsterdam – Netherlands (VUA), the Mälardalen University in Sweden (MDH), and the University of L’Aquila in Italy (UDA). The official language for the initiative and its courses is English. The teaching staff within GSEEM includes researchers and professors of international fame with proven field experience in Research Efforts, Teaching Efforts, European Projects coordination/participation and international collaboration within industrial operative contexts.

The Program

GSEEM offers an international Master’s Degree in Software Engineering of two years in length. The initiative wants to provide the students additional specific qualification and prepare them to even further specialization (PhD’s, professional institues, Post Docs etc.) in the area of Software Engineering. GSEEM forsees three formative profiles:

  • Software Architecting (SA)
  • Real Time embedded Systems Engineering (RT)
  • Web Systems and Services Engineering (WS)


Scholarships for best students might be available from the University of L’Aquila. For more information, please contact the GSEEM coordinator or visit www.gseem.eu.


Both students’ and teaching staff mobility will take place according to the fashion defined within the Processo di Bologna. Every one of the members of GSEEM will hereby take the responsibility of releasing a Double Degree title to those students who obtain a total amount of 60 ECTS credits locally and 60 ECTS abroad. The following restrictions must be met:
Every student who seeks to obtain a Double Degree, must choose a mobility destination, which will provide a list of required and selectable courses.

For more information:
URL: www.gseem.eu
Programme coordinator: prof. Henry Muccini
Email: henry.muccini@univaq.it

L’indirizzo internazionale UBIDIS del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Informatica è realizzato in collaborazione con l’Universita’ di Nizza-Sophia Antipolis. Esso intende dare agli studenti dei due atenei la possibilità di raggiungere una formazione personale e una competenza tecnico-scientifica che rispettano i più elevati standard internazionali nel campo dell’ubiquitous networking e dei sistemi distribuiti, con l’obiettivo di favorire l’occupazione in questi settori sempre più rilevanti in ambito ICT. A tal fine, le due istituzioni hanno sviluppato il presente indirizzo beneficiando dell’unione delle competenze e della complementarietà dei corsi rispettivamente offerti, con l’intento di definire percorsi formativi altamente qualificanti aperti agli studenti di entrambe le sedi.

Potranno accedere al programma gli studenti che soddisfano i requisiti di ammissione alla laurea magistrale di riferimento in una delle due università. In ogni caso, gli studenti coinvolti avranno una preparazione universitaria di base di livello pressoché equivalente nei due atenei. Ogni Università designerà gli studenti autorizzati a seguire il percorso di laurea a doppio titolo. Il numero massimo di studenti è fissato a 20 per anno accademico, 10 per ciascuna istituzione.

Le spese di mobilità degli studenti saranno finanziate tramite borse di studio VINCI offerte dall’Università Italo-Francese e borse ERASMUS.

Il percorso formativo prevede un primo anno di studi presso la propria università o presso l’università straniera, durante il quale gli studenti acquisiranno la preparazione le nozioni più generali nell’ambito dell’informatica, e un anno di studio speso presso l’altra università, dove verranno offerti i corsi più tecnologici e specificamente legati alle tematiche del progetto. Più precisamente, sono previsti due diverse tipologie di percorso: la prima più generale riguardante i sistemi distribuiti e le reti di comunicazione, con primo anno presso l’Università di Nizza Sophia Antipolis e secondo anno presso l’Università di L’Aquila, e la seconda più focalizzata su tematiche di ubiquitous networking, con primo anno presso l’Università di L’Aquila e secondo anno presso l’Università di Nizza Sophia Antipolis. Gli studenti di entrambe le sedi potranno accedere a entrambi percorsi.

Al termine del percorso formativo gli studenti conseguiranno il doppio titolo di “Dottore Magistrale in Informatica” in Italia e di “Mention: Informatique ; Spécialité : Informatique: Fondements et Ingénierie” in Francia.

Contact Information for the University of L’Aquila
Contact person: Michele Flammini, prof. Michele Flammini
Email: micheledotflamminiatunivaqdotit

The partners of the I2CoST consortium are the Amrita University, India, and the University of L’Aquila, Italy.

Through this programme, students from the Amrita University, enrolled (or enrolling) to a study program in M. TECH. Computer Science and Engineering, or the M. TECH Cybersecurity Systems, or the M. TECH. in Wireless Networks and Applications, have the unique opportunity to spend the first year of their master programme at the Amrita University, and the 2nd year at the University of L’Aquila, Italy.

This will represent for selected students the unique opportunity to get a high specialization on the “Software Engineering for Adaptive Systems” area, and to learn the socio-cultural differences between India and Italy. Successful students that will pass 60 ECTS credits at the University of L’Aquila and an equivalent of 60 ECTS credits at the Amrita University will be granted two master degrees: one from the University of L’Aquila, one from the Amrita University. This will open up working and research opportunities and both Italy/Europe and India.

I2CoST Programme

The I2CoST programme provides a unique opportunity to get a specialization on both Computer Science and Engineering, or Cybersecurity, or Wireless Networks and Applications, and Software Engineering for Adaptive Systems. This programme will then create a competence on Software & System Engineering, that are the foundations of modern systems, such as mobile, cyber-physical, and autonomous systems.

During the I2CoST programme, you will have the opportunity to choose modules offered by the Amrita University and modules offered by the University of L’Aquila inherent to the “Software By completing the I2CoST programme, you will receive a Double Master Degree in the area of software and system engineering. A Double Master Degree is a collection of two Master Degrees provided at two different Universities. To obtain a Master Degree at a University you must fulfil the following condition: obtain at least 60 ECTS from each of the two partner universities where the study has been done.

The Master thesis will be realized at the University of L’Aquila, and will be tutored by one professor from the Amrita University and one from the University of L’Aquila.

Contact Information  for the University of L’Aquila
Contact person: Henry Muccini, Ph.D., Professor in Computer Science.
Email: henry.muccini@univaq.it (Use Subject Title: I2CoST)