La Laurea Magistrale in Informatica (2 anni) Approfondisce la conoscenza delle discipline dell’informatica, e introduce alle tecnologie di punta: fornisce una formazione avanzata per l’esercizio di attività di elevata qualificazione e ad alto tasso di innovazione. Molti dei nostri studenti si affacciano sul panorama internazionale usufruendo di periodi di studio all’estero. La Laurea Magistrale in Informatica prevede infatti anche l’opportunità di optare per un percorso formativo internazionale, grazie ai quali lo studente potrà trascorrere un intero anno di studio all’estero e conseguire una laurea a doppio titolo.

Il corso di studio fornisce solide conoscenze sui fondamenti e sugli aspetti applicativi dei vari settori dell’informatica e su fondamenti, tecniche e metodi di progettazione e realizzazione dei sistemi informatici. Fornisce inoltre le conoscenze teoriche e metodologiche necessarie per accedere successivamente, previo concorso, a un Dottorato di ricerca.

Il possesso della Laurea Magistrale in Informatica garantisce l’ammissione all’esame di stato per l’iscrizione all’Albo degli Ingegneri dell’Informazione.

Di seguito sono riportati i Curriculum che caratterizzano la Laurea Magistrale.

nedasLogoA curriculum of the Laurea Magistrale in Informatica at the University of L’Aquila bringing students to the core of the complexity of networks and data

Why NeDaS?

Complex networks and big data lie at the core of modern computer applications. The Internet is the quintessence of this binomium: a billion node decentralized network involving an extremely massive set of data, basically the entire human knowledge, and beyond – and indeed a critical task is transforming these data into actual information!

Through the study of advanced topics and methodologies in graph and web algorithms, computational intelligence, databases, data analytics, game theory, and more, students enrolling to NeDaS will learn how to handle the challenging interplay between complex networks and big data. The curriculum also includes a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art courses, in order to maintain a concrete connection with the rapidly evolving world of ICT applications in the domain of interest.

NeDaS courses at-a-glance

Fundamental coursesAdvanced topics
Autonomous networksIntelligent systems and robotics lab
Computational intelligenceWeb engineering
Data analytics and data driven decisionWeb ontologies
Distributed systems and web algorithmsInformation retrieval
Information systems and network securityBig data storage and retrieval
Machine learningCloud computing
Network design
Software architectures

Job opportunities after NeDaS

In the era of social networks, cloud computing, and big data, Network and Data scientists are gaining a prominent position in the ICT industry. According to several statistics, their job opportunities are expected to grow much faster than other competing profiles over the next decade. A graduate from the NeDaS curriculum is therefore expected to play a crucial role in the development of innovative applications for large-scale networks and data. Our Department maintains an intense research collaboration with leading companies in the field, where excellent career opportunities are currently open as Network/Database Administrator, Computer Systems and Data Analyst, Web Developer, and Collaborative Computing Specialist.

seasLogoA curriculum of the Laurea Magistrale in Informatica at the University of L’Aquila bringing students towards the ultimate (and future!) methodologies and tools for neverending software systems


Software is pervading our daily life since about four decades. Newer application fields raise up very quickly (e-health, smart cities); more powerful technologies are designed to host software systems (Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet-connected Objects, Smart devices). Being no more confined to pre-determined environments, software today needs to act as an independent entity that is able to adapt itself to different contexts. It is widely recognized that “adaptation” is the software characteristic that will be pushed to still unexplored limits in the next few years. The SEAS curriculum intends to provide students with instruments necessary to deal with this current/future scenario of software engineering.

The SEAS curriculum will provide top-level competences for designing adaptive, autonomous, mobile, and smart quality systems, that may scale to new level of unpredicted complexities, by leveraging model driven design methods and tools.

SEAS courses at-a-glance

Fundamental coursesAdvanced topics
Software ArchitectureService-Oriented Software Engineering
Software Quality EngineeringSoftware Engineering for Autonomous Systems
Model-Driven EngineeringMobile Device Applications
Formal MethodsEmbedded Systems
Web Engineering

After graduation opportunities

Students successfully completing the SEAS curriculum will have the opportunity to work with (inter)national companies in the aerospace, automotive, information systems, cyber-physical domains, as well as to conduct development and research projects on architecting autonomous and adaptive quality systems, with novel system engineering methods and tools.